I have just finished my first bootcamp with Petra and will be signing up again. I run regularly but had lost my motivation, Petra has given it back!!!! I now go to Bootcamp in the morning at 6.15am and run at night!!! Plus I have lost inches, this is the
Taking Tamoxifen to keep the cancer at bay meant that I was susceptible to weight gain. Being a bit of a maverick that wasn’t going to happen so Bootcamp seemed the answer!
I run like Dick Emery and I was a bit concerned if I would keep up, but to be fair there was always a real mix of people there and I never felt left behind. Keeping the weight off was a big thrill. Since moving and not doing such strenuous exercise, Bootcamp is a great way to lose weight, tone up and meet like minded people (the majority barking) you become a little family all of whom help and encourage each other when times are tough.
In the time I went to Bootcamp I physically saw my body shape change. Can now wear tighter clothes without looking like the Michelin man! I do miss Bootcamp and all the lovely people I got to know. When I am in Cornwall I am going to pop in for a guest visit