I have just finished my first bootcamp with Petra and will be signing up again. I run regularly but had lost my motivation, Petra has given it back!!!! I now go to Bootcamp in the morning at 6.15am and run at night!!! Plus I have lost inches, this is the
I had never really done any sort of fitness and over the years the weight and cellulite started to become more noticeable… Having the lifestyle I have being abroad a lot and entertaining guests! Oh and enjoying a few vodkas!!
I was worried about joining as I thought I would be left behind with the fitness. The best bit of my journey (besides meeting Petra) was feeling so much better in myself, by losing weight and toning up. I regained my confidence and have met some lovely people along the way.
Anyone wanting to come along I would say, you have nothing to lose and everything health wise to gain!! Petra is an inspiration she is supportive, no-one judges anyone we are all there for the same reason. It’s fun, hard work at times but well worth it.
There isn’t one best personal result, in all I am more aware of my diet, I enjoy exercise, I feel healthy and happy in myself for the first time in years.